Feldman and AFL love Gore the only good shanker is a  The Latest from Alberta Shanker
NEA Dues and Strategic Plan DFT's Elliot's Popularity Plunges DPS Guts DFT Members Insurances
NEA-AFT to Merge in Montana and Fla Cinci AFT Adopts Merit Pay AFT Lobbies to Suspend Kids
AFT Sells out on "Merit" Pay 28 MEA Bosses Top 100,000 New Unionism in Providence
NEA Won't Oppose Education Bill AFT Boosts Bush's Fascist Education Plan Top Florida AFT Leader Goes to Jail
AFT Touts Alliance With Bush on Reading Program CTA Lobbies For SoftDrink Industry The Failed Legacy of NEA's Bob Chase
NEA Builds Fascist Teaching 2 Teachers'  unions at odds over teaching 9/11 AFT Spends $2 Million on Fascist Curriculum
As Expected, New York City Teachers Union Endorses Pataki Ed Week on Teacher Unions 2002 Ed Unions Ignored in ESEA
DC Union Boss Resigns Under Theft Cloud Al Shanker, Imperialist, by Kim Sipes AFT Hacks Looted DC Local
DC Union Looted by Officers Bloomberg Seizes NYC Schools, AFT Cheers AFT Loves Phonics and Reid Lyon
AFT Backs Capital's War on Iraq NYC-AFT Boss Organizes Decay of System Sellout Portland School Union Agrees to Huge Concessions
Dade Union Going Bankrupt, Bank Calls in Debts/@)$ Building at Issue
Teachers' union raided in Miami-Dade
Investigators seek to prove Tornillo siphoned off money to pay for perks

Tornillo steps aside as FBI probes conduct
Second bank calls in loan to teachers' union:  School district freezes collected dues
AFT's Urbanski and SDCS Bersin as Heroes to Broad Foundation
Attacks on Teacher Contracts Brew in Michigan
New Unionist Tornillo's Criminal Board Ignored His Theft GodFather of New Unionism Joins His Pals in Jail
Forensic Examination Report 600 Michigan Districts Without Contracts
MEA Gulps
DC AFT Racketeer Admits Stealing from Members AFT Racketeers Indicted
DC's AFT Racketeer Boss Ran Union by Crushing Dissent
Miami Herald Likes Tornillo Deal
Mass. NEA Boss Loots 802,000 from Union
Lawyer to pay teachers union $340,000

Criminal Racketeer AFT DC Boss Pleads Guilty and Heads for Jail
AIDS Boss Joins DC AFT Scandal
The AFL-CIA Abroad Teacher Unions and the Standards Movement
Kentucky Teachers Walk Our For Health Benefits
NEA Backs NCLB Audit Finds Undue Influence on D.C. Contract
Disputes Snarl Teachers Union Criminal Cases Teachers Union Hit by Scandal To Elect Officers Margaret Haley and Teacher Unionism
CFT Resolution on US War in Iraq National Endowment for Death Squads?  The AFL-CIO and the NED


L.A. Teachers Union to Broaden Its Focus
NEA To Join Change To Win Splitters?
Palm Beach Union Boss Wants More Pay
AFT Bosses Convicted In DC Case 2005
Sandra Feldman, Scrappy and Outspoken Labor Leader for Teachers, Dies at 65
NEA Share of Union Membership


School Union Will Let Locals Join Federation
Largest teachers union, AFL-CIO step closer
AFL - CIO Teams Up With Teachers Union NEA A.F.L.-C.I.O. to Spend $40 Million on Election "Peoples" Weekly World On NEA and AFL
Ludlow Pleads Guilty to Violating Campaign Law in '03 Council Race

CTA Falls Flat, Democrats Go For Fascist Bersin

AFL-CIO Hack to Convince School Workers To Join Failing Federation
Gerald Bracey Attacks Ravitch on Dewey Award
Broad Foundation is Behind TURN (Teacher Union Reform Net)
AFL-CIO's Bogus Civil Disobedience
Middle East Resolution- an AFT Blunder it Will Be Ashamed Of CTA to Affiliate With AFL-CIO
UTLA Signs Up Wayne Johnson For Potential Strike Alinsky Organizing for Educators
MEA Offers Training For House Slave Teachers

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Revised July 13, 2018