STEPHENKRASHENUniversity of Southern California
Perceptual and Motor Skills 2001 vol 93: 345-358
Summary- The six studies found concerning the impact of pure phonemic awareness training (without phonics) on reading comprehension gave a positive but modest overall effect size in favor of phonemic awareness training.Four studies had small samples, two showed no or very small effect sizes, and one inconsistent results.Three involved languages other than English.Such results do not support the popular movement for universal phonemic awareness training.
The National Reading Panel (7) concluded that phonemic awareness training has a positive effect on reading ability, reporting an effect size of .32 for tests of reading comprehension.Of the studies included by the National Reading Panel, several combined phonemic awareness training with instruction in phonics. As the Panel has pointed out, phonics instruction may contribute to the impact of phonemic awareness training on reading comprehension, as those who have had more phonics instruction show modest, short-term advantages on tests of reading comprehension.It is thus essential to determine if “pure” (no phonics) phonemic awareness training has an effect on reading comprehension.

Table 1 presents studies of the impact of pure phonemic awareness training on tests of reading comprehension. Studies were obtained in several ways. Linnea Ehri graciously provided me with a list of the nine studies (18 comparisons) on which the National Reading Panel based its conclusions. Also, an extensive survey of phonemic awareness training (8) was consulted, and several scholars active in this area also provided help in locating studies.2 



control group 
first test

delayed test
Bradley & Bryant (1983) 13/26  2 yrs  conceptual training .54/ns  
Bradley & Bryant (1983)  13/13  no training  .96/.05
Hatcher, Helm & Ellis (1994) 30/31  20 wk  regular   .08/ns  .11/ns  9m
Defior & Tudela (1994) 9/12  6 m manipulation .05/ns .00/ns  2m
Defior & Tudela (1994) 9/12  classification .13/ns .13/ns
Weiner (1994): low achievers 5/13  6 wk regular instruction  -.41/ns
Weiner (1994): middle achievers 5/13   regular instruction .40/ns
Lie (1991): positional 45/51 4 m  neutral activities  .21/ns  .33/ns  1.5 yrs
Lie (1991): sequential 51/51    neutral activities  .62 /.05  .41/.10
Kozminsky & Kozminsky (1995) 15/15  8 m   general enrichment  .59/.05  .61/.05  3 yrs
Kozminsky & Kozminsky (1995) 15/17     unseen  .50/.05  .79/.05


“First test” given immediately after training, except for Kozminsky and Kozminsky (1 year delay) and Lie (one semester delay).

Interval: interval between end of training and administration of delayed test.

manipulation: cutting, coloring, etc.

positional: training on initial,final, medial sounds

sequential: training on sounds as they appear in sequential order

“unseen”:investigators did not inspect comparison group treatment

n = sample size of experimental group/control group

Effect sizes were calculated by subtracting the posttest mean of the comparison group from the posttest mean of the experimental group and dividing the result by the pooled standard deviation (10), except in the case of Bradley and Bryant (1). For this study, F ratios were converted to effect sizes (4).There were no obvious differences in pretest scores of the subjects in the studies reviewed here, except for the one byLie (6) in which the group trained on initial, final, and medial sounds in that order(“positional”phonemic awareness training) had slightly higher letter knowledge scores than controls on the pretest. 

The average effect size for all eleven comparisons, using the most-delayed test from each group, was .35, very similar to the Panel’s figure.Use of the first posttest gave similar results. The highest effect sizes were from studies with small sample sizes and with comparison groups who received no training of any kind(the second study in Bradley and Bryant, 1) or whose comparison groups were not observed by the experimenters, the second study in Kozminsky and Kozminsky, 5). If we consider these two comparisons to be outliers and omit them from the analysis, the average effect size drops to .23. 3The effect size for all eleven comparisons was significantly different from zero (95% confidence interval = .13 to .57).Omitting the two outlier studies, the95% confidence interval for the remaining nine comparisons narrowly escaped zero (.01 to .45).

Before concluding that there is a modest but significant effect for pure phonemic awareness training on reading comprehension, the following should be considered: Only six studies and eleven comparisons were found. Three involved languages other than English (Hebrew (5), Spanish (2) and Norwegian (6)).Only one of the six studies (6) found substantial effect sizes as well as statistically significant results for all comparisons. Two studies showed very low or zero effect sizes (2,3), and another reported highly inconsistent results (9).Sample sizes were very small in four of the six studies (1,2,5,9).The only study showing a clear training effect with English speaking children (1) utilized only 13 children in the trained group and results were statistically significant for only one comparison.

Because training studies are crucial in establishing causality and because studies using “pure” phonemic awareness training constitute the most valid tests of the efficacy of phonemic awareness training, one must conclude that the research does not provide a suitable basis for drawing conclusions about the necessity of phonemic awareness training for English speaking children.


1.Address enquiries to S. Krashen, 23852 Pacific Coast Highway, PMB 919, Malibu CA 90265-4879.

2.I thank Jennifer Watts, Steven Stahl, Jeff McQuillan, Cindy Marten, Sara Hannes, and Pieter Reitsma for their help.

3. The National Reading Panel reported somewhat larger effect sizes for Defior and Tudela (2),.05 and .14 for comparison with one comparison group (“manipulation”) and .29 and .18 for comparison with the “classification”comparison group. Their result was based on an average of scores on three tests:a cloze test in which subjects completed sentences filling in a single word, a test in which subjects had to“complete or choose a drawing following written sentences” (p. 307), and a more typical reading comprehension test with passages and comprehension questions. The figure in Table 1 is based on the third test only. Using the Panel’s effect sizes, however, does not significantly change the overall results.


1. Bradley, L. & Bryant, P. (1983) Categorizing sounds and learning to read - a causal connection. Nature, 301, 419-421.

2. Defior, S. & Tudela, P. (1994) Effect of phonological training on reading and writing acquisition. Reading and Writing,6, 299-320.

3. Hatcher, P., Helm, C. & Ellis, A. (1994) Ameliorating early reading failure by integrating the teaching of reading and phonological skills: The phonological linkage hypothesis. Child Development, 65, 41-57.

4. Johnston, D. (1995) DSTAT: software for the meta-analytic review of research literatures. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

5. Kozminsky, L. & Kozminsky, E. (1995) The effects of early phonological awareness training on reading success. Learning and Instruction, 5,187-201.

6. Lie, A. (1991) Effects of a training program for stimulating skills in word analysis in first grade children. Reading Research Quarterly, 26(3), 234-250.

7. National Reading Panel. (2000) Teaching children to read: an evidence-based assessment of the scientific research literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction. Washington: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

8. Troia, G. (1999) Phonological awareness intervention research: A critical review of the experimental methodology. Reading Research Quarterly, 34 (1), 28-52.

9. Weiner, S. (1994) Effects of phonemic awareness training on low- and middle-achieving first graders’ phonemic awareness and reading ability. Journal of Reading Behavior, 26(3): 277-300.

10. Wolf, F. (1986) Meta-analysis. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.